Section A - Authentication steps

A1 - General Information

Use HTTP Basic Authentication for all the API calls.

Link for accessing the API: https://url (or) https://ip:8000

The url/ip is same as your dashboard's url/ip

A2 - Example

(Get Users API)


A3 - Credentials

The API credentials can be found on /settings

Username is “API Token”
Password is “API Key”

NOTE – In all the API calls if you want to get the Sub zones details using the top zones API Key and token you can post sub zones accountId.

A4 - User Authentication

POST Method :

/api/v1/authenticate_user with the following POST data:

Input :

Argument Value
Username Login user name of the user
Password Password for the user

Sample Output :

[ "success", "errorCode" = 200, "1" ]

A5 - User Athentication from my accounts

POST Method :

/api/v1/authenticate_user_from_myaccounts with the following POST data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
Username Yes Login user name of the user
Password No Password for the user

Sample Output :

{ "username":"test", "userId":"2", "accountId":"jazenetworks" }