Section Z - Lead API

Z1 - Add lead

To add an lead send a post request to /api/v1/add_lead with the following data :

Key Mandatory Value
firstName Yes String
lastName No String
phoneNumber Yes Numeric(if emailId field is given it is not mandatory)
altPhoneNumber No Numeric
emailId Yes String(if phoneNumber field is given it is not mandatory)
altEmailId No String
address_line1 No String
address_line2 No String
address_city No String
address_pin No Numeric
address_state No String
address No String
address_country No This should be two letter country ISO CODE.
useBillingAddAsLeadInstallationAdd No {on,off}
installation_address_line1 No String
installation_address_line2 No String
installation_address_city No String
installation_address_pin No Numeric
installation_address_state No String
installation_address_country No This should be two letter country ISO CODE.
userType No {home, business}
comments No String
activationComments No String
lead_latitude No Numeric
lead_longitude No Numeric
requestedBandwithAmount No Numeric
requestedBandwithData No {mb,gb}
leadSource No {emailMarketing,digitalAdvertising,socialMedia,website,directMarketing,inboundPhoneCalls,outboundSales,friends,blogging,organicSearch,othe
AssignAdminToLead No {on,off}
assignedAdminStep No String(Username of Admin who has access.)
contactName No String
contactDesignation No String
contactPhoneNumber No String
contactEmail No String
contactDesc No String
leadUserReferralCode No String

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "60",
 "accountId": "sampleaccount"

Z2 - Get lead stages

GET Method :

/api/v1/get_stages/< adminUsername>

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
adminUsername Yes String < username of Admin>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "1": {
 "stageName": "feasibilityCheck",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 8
 "2": {
 "stageName": "transferLead",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 2
 "3": {
    "stageName": "CAFCollection",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 6
 "4": {
 "stageName": "cablingAndCommissioning",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 1
 "5": {
 "stageName": "activation",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 7
 "6": {
 "stageName": "CAFApproval",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 1
 "7": {
 "stageName": "Splicing",
 "claimedCount": 0,
 "unclaimedCount": 3
 "stages": [

Z3 - Get assigned lead stages

GET Method :

/api/v1/get_assigned_stage_leads/< tage>/< adminUsername>

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
stage Yes Numeric Feasibility Check – 1, Transfer Lead – 2, CAF Collection – 3, Cabling And Commissiong - 4, Activation – 5, CAF Approval – 6, Splicing - 7 .
adminUsername Yes String < username of Admin>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": [
 "id": "23",
 "name": "ghjghj",
 "phone": "",
 "created": null,
 "claimed": "Assigned to me"
 "id": "31",
 "name": "fdashgdfhsd",
 "phone": "",
 "created": null,
 "claimed": "Unassigned"
 "id": "32",
 "name": "sgdfshg",
 "phone": "",
 "created": null,
 "claimed": "Unassigned"
 "id": "34",
 "name": "imkj",
 "phone": "",
 "created": null,
 "claimed": "Unassigned"

Z4 - Get lead details

GET Method :

/api/v1/lead_details/< leadId>/< accountId>/< adminUsername>

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
leadId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String < username of Admin>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "userEditData": {
 "id_proof_type": null,
 "id_pin": null,
 "address_proof": null,
 "id_proof": null,
 "caf": null,
 "installation_report": null
 "leadContactDetails": [],
 "editInstallationAddress": {
 "user_address_line1": "",
 "user_address_line2": "",
 "user_address_city": "",
 "user_address_pin": "",
 "user_address_state": "",
 "user_address_country_code": ""
 "cdnhost": "",
 "type": "add",
 "currentStep": null,
 "nextStep": 1,
 "countriesList": {
 "AD": {
 "country_name": "ANDORRA",
 "dial_code": "376",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AE": {
 "country_name": "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES",
 "dial_code": "971",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AF": {
 "country_name": "AFGHANISTAN",
 "dial_code": "93",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AG": {
 "country_name": "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA",
 "dial_code": "1268",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AI": {
 "country_name": "ANGUILLA",
 "dial_code": "1264",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AL": {
 "country_name": "ALBANIA",
 "dial_code": "355",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AM": {
 "country_name": "ARMENIA",
 "dial_code": "374",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AN": {
    "country_name": "NETHERLANDS ANTILLES",
 "dial_code": "599",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AO": {
 "country_name": "ANGOLA",
 "dial_code": "244",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AR": {
 "country_name": "ARGENTINA",
 "dial_code": "54",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AS": {
 "country_name": "AMERICAN SAMOA",
 "dial_code": "1684",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AT": {
 "country_name": "AUSTRIA",
 "dial_code": "43",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AU": {
 "country_name": "AUSTRALIA",
 "dial_code": "61",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AW": {
 "country_name": "ARUBA",
 "dial_code": "297",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "AZ": {
 "country_name": "AZERBAIJAN",
 "dial_code": "994",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BA": {
 "country_name": "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA",
 "dial_code": "387",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BB": {
 "country_name": "BARBADOS",
 "dial_code": "1246",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BD": {
 "country_name": "BANGLADESH",
 "dial_code": "880",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BE": {
 "country_name": "BELGIUM",
 "dial_code": "32",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BF": {
 "country_name": "BURKINA FASO",
 "dial_code": "226",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BG": {
 "country_name": "BULGARIA",
 "dial_code": "359",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BH": {
 "country_name": "BAHRAIN",
 "dial_code": "973",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BI": {
 "country_name": "BURUNDI",
 "dial_code": "257",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BJ": {
 "country_name": "BENIN",
 "dial_code": "229",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BL": {
 "country_name": "SAINT BARTHELEMY",
 "dial_code": "590",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BM": {
 "country_name": "BERMUDA",
 "dial_code": "1441",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BN": {
 "country_name": "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM",
 "dial_code": "673",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BO": {
 "country_name": "BOLIVIA",
 "dial_code": "591",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BR": {
 "country_name": "BRAZIL",
 "dial_code": "55",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BS": {
 "country_name": "BAHAMAS",
 "dial_code": "1242",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BT": {
    "country_name": "BHUTAN",
 "dial_code": "975",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BW": {
 "country_name": "BOTSWANA",
 "dial_code": "267",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BY": {
 "country_name": "BELARUS",
 "dial_code": "375",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "BZ": {
 "country_name": "BELIZE",
 "dial_code": "501",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CA": {
 "country_name": "CANADA",
 "dial_code": "1",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CC": {
 "country_name": "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS",
 "dial_code": "61",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CD": {
 "dial_code": "243",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CF": {
 "country_name": "CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC",
 "dial_code": "236",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CG": {
 "country_name": "CONGO",
 "dial_code": "242",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CH": {
 "country_name": "SWITZERLAND",
 dial_code": "41",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CI": {
 "country_name": "COTE D IVOIRE",
 "dial_code": "225",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CK": {
 "country_name": "COOK ISLANDS",
 "dial_code": "682",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CL": {
 "country_name": "CHILE",
 "dial_code": "56",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CM": {
 "country_name": "CAMEROON",
 "dial_code": "237",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CN": {
 "country_name": "CHINA",
 "dial_code": "86",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CO": {
 "country_name": "COLOMBIA",
 "dial_code": "57",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CR": {
 "country_name": "COSTA RICA",
 "dial_code": "506",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CU": {
 "country_name": "CUBA",
 "dial_code": "53",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CV": {
 "country_name": "CAPE VERDE",
 "dial_code": "238",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CX": {
 "country_name": "CHRISTMAS ISLAND",
 "dial_code": "61",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CY": {
 "country_name": "CYPRUS",
 "dial_code": "357",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "CZ": {
 "country_name": "CZECH REPUBLIC",
 "dial_code": "420",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DE": {
 "country_name": "GERMANY",
 "dial_code": "49",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DJ": {
    "country_name": "DJIBOUTI",
 "dial_code": "253",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DK": {
 "country_name": "DENMARK",
 "dial_code": "45",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DM": {
 "country_name": "DOMINICA",
 "dial_code": "1767",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DO": {
 "country_name": "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC",
 "dial_code": "1809",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "DZ": {
 "country_name": "ALGERIA",
 "dial_code": "213",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "EC": {
 "country_name": "ECUADOR",
 "dial_code": "593",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "EE": {
 "country_name": "ESTONIA",
 "dial_code": "372",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "EG": {
 "country_name": "EGYPT",
 "dial_code": "20",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ER": {
 "country_name": "ERITREA",
 "dial_code": "291",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ES": {
 "country_name": "SPAIN",
 "dial_code": "34",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ET": {
 "country_name": "ETHIOPIA",
 "dial_code": "251",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FI": {
 "country_name": "FINLAND",
 "dial_code": "358",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FJ": {
 "country_name": "FIJI",
 "dial_code": "679",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FK": {
 "country_name": "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)",
 "dial_code": "500",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FM": {
 "dial_code": "691",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FO": {
 "country_name": "FAROE ISLANDS",
 "dial_code": "298",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "FR": {
 "country_name": "FRANCE",
 "dial_code": "33",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GA": {
 "country_name": "GABON",
 "dial_code": "241",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GB": {
 "country_name": "UNITED KINGDOM",
 "dial_code": "44",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GD": {
 "country_name": "GRENADA",
 "dial_code": "1473",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GE": {
 "country_name": "GEORGIA",
 "dial_code": "995",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GH": {
 "country_name": "GHANA",
 "dial_code": "233",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GI": {
 "country_name": "GIBRALTAR",
 "dial_code": "350",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GL": {
 "country_name": "GREENLAND",
 "dial_code": "299",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GM": {
 "country_name": "GAMBIA",
 "dial_code": "220",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GN": {
 "country_name": "GUINEA",
 "dial_code": "224",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GQ": {
 "country_name": "EQUATORIAL GUINEA",
 "dial_code": "240",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GR": {
 "country_name": "GREECE",
 "dial_code": "30",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GT": {
 "country_name": "GUATEMALA",
 "dial_code": "502",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GU": {
 "country_name": "GUAM",
 "dial_code": "1671",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GW": {
 "country_name": "GUINEA-BISSAU",
 "dial_code": "245",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "GY": {
 "country_name": "GUYANA",
 "dial_code": "592",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "HK": {
 "country_name": "HONG KONG",
 "dial_code": "852",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "HN": {
 "country_name": "HONDURAS",
 "dial_code": "504",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "HR": {
 "country_name": "CROATIA",
 "dial_code": "385",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "HT": {
 "country_name": "HAITI",
 "dial_code": "509",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "HU": {
 "country_name": "HUNGARY",
 "dial_code": "36",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ID": {
 "country_name": "INDONESIA",
 "dial_code": "62",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IE": {
 "country_name": "IRELAND",
 "dial_code": "353",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IL": {
 "country_name": "ISRAEL",
 "dial_code": "972",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IM": {
 "country_name": "ISLAND OF MAN",
 "dial_code": "44",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IN": {
 "country_name": "INDIA",
 "dial_code": "91",
 "sms_provider": "Sinfini"
 "IQ": {
 "country_name": "IRAQ",
 "dial_code": "964",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IR": {
 "country_name": "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF",
 "dial_code": "98",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IS": {
 "country_name": "ICELAND",
 "dial_code": "354",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "IT": {
 "country_name": "ITALY",
 "dial_code": "39",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "JM": {
 "country_name": "JAMAICA",
 "dial_code": "1876",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "JO": {
 "country_name": "JORDAN",
 "dial_code": "962",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "JP": {
 "country_name": "JAPAN",
 "dial_code": "81",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KE": {
 "country_name": "KENYA",
 "dial_code": "254",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KG": {
 "country_name": "KYRGYZSTAN",
 "dial_code": "996",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KH": {
 "country_name": "CAMBODIA",
 "dial_code": "855",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KI": {
 "country_name": "KIRIBATI",
 "dial_code": "686",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KM": {
 "country_name": "COMOROS",
 "dial_code": "269",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KN": {
 "country_name": "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS",
 "dial_code": "1869",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KP": {
"dial_code": "850",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KR": {
 "country_name": "KOREA REPUBLIC OF",
 "dial_code": "82",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KW": {
 "country_name": "KUWAIT",
 "dial_code": "965",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KY": {
 "country_name": "CAYMAN ISLANDS",
 "dial_code": "1345",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "KZ": {
 "country_name": "KAZAKSTAN",
 "dial_code": "7",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LA": {
 "dial_code": "856",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LB": {
 "country_name": "LEBANON",
 "dial_code": "961",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LC": {
 "country_name": "SAINT LUCIA",
 "dial_code": "1758",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LI": {
 "country_name": "LIECHTENSTEIN",
 "dial_code": "423",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LK": {
 "country_name": "SRI LANKA",
 "dial_code": "94",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LR": {
 "country_name": "LIBERIA",
 "dial_code": "231",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LS": {
 "country_name": "LESOTHO",
 "dial_code": "266",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LT": {
 "country_name": "LITHUANIA",
 "dial_code": "370",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LU": {
 "country_name": "LUXEMBOURG",
 "dial_code": "352",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LV": {
    "country_name": "LATVIA",
 "dial_code": "371",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "LY": {
 "country_name": "LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA",
 "dial_code": "218",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MA": {
 "country_name": "MOROCCO",
 "dial_code": "212",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MC": {
 "country_name": "MONACO",
 "dial_code": "377",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MD": {
 "country_name": "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF",
 "dial_code": "373",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ME": {
 "country_name": "MONTENEGRO",
 "dial_code": "382",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MF": {
 "country_name": "SAINT MARTIN",
 "dial_code": "1599",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MG": {
 "country_name": "MADAGASCAR",
 "dial_code": "261",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MK": {
 "dial_code": "389",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "ML": {
 "country_name": "MALI",
 "dial_code": "223",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MM": {
 "country_name": "MYANMAR",
 "dial_code": "95",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MN": {
 "country_name": "MONGOLIA",
 "dial_code": "976",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MO": {
 "country_name": "MACAU",
 "dial_code": "853",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MP": {
 "country_name": "NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS",
 "dial_code": "1670",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MR": {
 "country_name": "MAURITANIA",
 "dial_code": "222",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MS": {
 "country_name": "MONTSERRAT",
 "dial_code": "1664",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MT": {
 "country_name": "MALTA",
 "dial_code": "356",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MU": {
 "country_name": "MAURITIUS",
 "dial_code": "230",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MV": {
 "country_name": "MALDIVES",
 "dial_code": "960",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MW": {
 "country_name": "MALAWI",
 "dial_code": "265",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MX": {
 "country_name": "MEXICO",
 "dial_code": "52",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MY": {
 "country_name": "MALAYSIA",
 "dial_code": "60",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "MZ": {
 "country_name": "MOZAMBIQUE",
 "dial_code": "258",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NA": {
    "country_name": "NAMIBIA",
 "dial_code": "264",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NC": {
 "country_name": "NEW CALEDONIA",
 "dial_code": "687",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NE": {
 "country_name": "NIGER",
 "dial_code": "227",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NG": {
 "country_name": "NIGERIA",
 "dial_code": "234",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NI": {
 "country_name": "NICARAGUA",
 "dial_code": "505",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NL": {
 "country_name": "NETHERLANDS",
 "dial_code": "31",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NO": {
 "country_name": "NORWAY",
 "dial_code": "47",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NP": {
 "country_name": "NEPAL",
 "dial_code": "977",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NR": {
 "country_name": "NAURU",
 "dial_code": "674",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NU": {
 "country_name": "NIUE",
 "dial_code": "683",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "NZ": {
 "country_name": "NEW ZEALAND",
 "dial_code": "64",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "OM": {
 "country_name": "OMAN",
 "dial_code": "968",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PA": {
 "country_name": "PANAMA",
 "dial_code": "507",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PE": {
 "country_name": "PERU",
 "dial_code": "51",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PF": {
 "country_name": "FRENCH POLYNESIA",
 "dial_code": "689",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PG": {
 "country_name": "PAPUA NEW GUINEA",
 "dial_code": "675",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PH": {
 "country_name": "PHILIPPINES",
 "dial_code": "63",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PK": {
 "country_name": "PAKISTAN",
 "dial_code": "92",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PL": {
 "country_name": "POLAND",
 "dial_code": "48",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PM": {
 "country_name": "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON",
 "dial_code": "508",
 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
 "PR": {
 "country_name": "PUERTO RICO",
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 "sms_provider": "Plivo"
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    "id": "hgmailc",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "hgmailc",
 "name": "testanj",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "jazetest",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "jazetest",
 "name": "jazetest",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "jazetest1",
 "parent": "jazetest",
 "account": "jazetest1",
 "name": "jazetest1",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "jazetest23",
 "parent": "jazetest",
 "account": "jazetest23",
 "name": "jazetest2",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "jazetest3",
 "parent": "jazetest",
 "account": "jazetest3",
 "name": "jazetest3",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "nonfranchise",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "nonfranchise",
 "name": "nonfranchise",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "nonfran1",
 "parent": "nonfranchise",
 "account": "nonfran1",
 "name": "nonfran1",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "propush",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "propush",
 "name": "propush",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "test",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "test",
 "name": "test",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "campus"
 "id": "test3",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "test3",
 "name": "test3",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "test4",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "test4",
 "name": "test4",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testadm",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testadm",
 "name": "testAdm",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testadmin",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testadmin",
 "name": "testAdmin",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testdbs",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testdbs",
 "name": "testdbs",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testhms",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testhms",
 "name": "testhms",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testj",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testj",
 "name": "testj",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testm",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testm",
 "name": "testm",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testmn1",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testmn1",
 "name": "testmn1",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testmn2",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testmn2",
 "name": "testmn2",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testmnh",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testmnh",
 "name": "testmnh",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testnon",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testnon",
 "name": "testnon",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "testredirct",
 "parent": "jazenetworks",
 "account": "testredirct",
 "name": "testredirct",
 "billing_entity_id": "",
 "franchise_head": "no",
 "deactivated": "1",
 "edition": "isp"
 "id": "jazenetworks",
 "parent": null,
 "account": "jazenetworks",
 "name": "jaze"
 "subAccountsListDropDown": "<option value=\"jazenetworks\" 
selected>jaze<option value=\"amil\">testdash</option><option 
value=\"testaenable\">testaenable</option><option value=\"testfr2\">testfr2</
option><option value=\"testfun\">testfun</option><option 
value=\"hgmailc\">testanj</option><option value=\"jazetest\">jazetest<option 
value=\"test\">test</option><option value=\"test3\">test3</option><option 
value=\"testj\">testj</option><option value=\"testm\">testm</option><option 
 "circuitId": 2090,
 "myPrefix": "#jaze#-",
 "billingType": null,
 "prepaidAmount": null,
 "taxPercent": null,
 "metaFieldNameValues": [
 "MetaFieldName": {
 "id": "1",
 "name": "tes",
 "forwhat": "User",
 "type": "string",
 "is_disabled": "no",
 "is_mandatory": "no",
 "display_order": "1",
 "deleted": "0",
 "default_value_id": "",
 "value": null,
 "account_id": "jazenetworks"
 "ipRanges": [],
 "userGroupsAll": [
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "1",
 "name": "Guest",
 "profile_id": "1",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-01-03 13:23:06",
 "modified": "2018-06-08 12:57:39",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": null,
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "9",
 "name": "1mbps",
 "profile_id": "2",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-01-03 14:01:28",
 "modified": "2018-06-15 15:51:45",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": "1",
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "10",
 "name": "payasyoygo",
 "profile_id": "3",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-01-03 16:06:29",
 "modified": "2018-01-03 16:06:29",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "12",
 "name": "2mbps",
 "profile_id": "25",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-01-10 17:01:56",
 "modified": "2019-02-26 12:22:23",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": "81",
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "15",
 "name": "pay1",
 "profile_id": "341",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-03-06 16:39:00",
 "modified": "2018-06-26 15:45:39",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "29",
 "name": "test",
 "profile_id": "62",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-08-06 13:39:35",
 "modified": "2018-08-06 13:39:35",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "35",
 "name": "paya1",
 "profile_id": "33",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2018-11-13 12:57:24",
 "modified": "2018-11-13 12:57:24",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "52",
 "name": "testbilling",
 "profile_id": "772",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2019-02-15 18:23:18",
 "modified": "2019-02-15 18:23:18",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "UserGroup": {
 "id": "53",
 "name": "testbilling1",
 "profile_id": "807",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "is_active": true,
 "created": "2019-02-15 18:23:27",
 "modified": "2019-02-15 18:23:27",
 "ldap_id": null,
 "ldap_group": "",
 "ldap_ou": null,
 "group_type": null,
 "router_id": null,
 "with_domain": false
 "feasibilityCheckAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
 "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active",
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "transferLeadAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
 "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active",
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "CAFCollectionAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
    "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active",
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "CAFApprovalAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
 "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active",
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "cablingAndCommissioningAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
 "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active",
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "splicingAdmins": [
 "Admin": {
 "id": "1",
 "username": "admin",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "jazenetworks",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "admin_group_id": "1",
 "admin_classification_id": null,
 "status": "active"
 "phone": "9642664693"
 "activationAdmins": [],
 "userNamePrefix": ""

Z5 - Feasibility check

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/feasibility_check with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
ScopeOfWork Yes String < with a keyword (“”,“emailMarketing”,“digitalAdvertising”,“socialMedia”,“website”,“directMarketing”,“in
adminUsername Yes String < Username of the Admin>
capitalEx Yes Numeric
operatingEx Yes Numeric
oneTime Yes Numeric
firstName No String
lastName No String
phoneNumber No Numeric
emailId No String
altEmailId No String
altPhoneNumber No Numeric
address No String
address_line1 No String
address_line2 No String
address_city No String
address_pin No Numeric
address_state No String
address_country No String
userType No String < with a keyword(“home”,“business”)>
comments No String
activationComments No String
lead_latitude No Float
lead_longitude No Float
requestedBandwithAmount No Numeric
requestedBandwithData No String < with a keyword (“mb”,“gb”)>
assignAdminToLeadStep2 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
contactName No String
contactDesignation No String
contactPhoneNumber No Numeric
contactEmail No String
contactDesc No String
assignedAdminStep No String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>
leadFeasibilityCheckSms No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
leadFeasibilityCheckWhatsapp No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z6 - Transfer lead

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/transfer_lead with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String
presentaccountId Yes String
assignAdminToLeadStep3 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
transferLead Yes String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”)>
assignedAdminStep No String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks",
 "transferLead": "no"
 } }

Z7 - Caf collection

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/caf_collection with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String
id_proof No String < with a keyword (“”,“pan”,“license”,“aadhar”,“ration”,“passport”,“voter”) >
assignAdminToLeadStep4 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
id_pin Yes String < pin of selected id proof>>
assignedAdminStep No String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>
leadCafCollectionSms No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
submittedIdProof Yes [Document] => Array
[submittedIdProof] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
submittedproof No [Document] => Array
[submittedproof] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
submittedform No [Document] => Array
[submittedIdProof] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
leadCafCollectionWhatsapp No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z8 - CAF approval

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/caf_approval with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String
cafApprovalCheckbox Yes String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) >
assignAdminToLeadStep4 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
cafComments No String
assignedAdminStep No String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>
leadCafApprovalSms No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
leadCafApprovalWhatsapp No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z9 - Cabling and commissioning

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/cabling_and_commissioning with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String
cablingValue Yes String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) >
assignAdminToLeadStep5 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
cablingComments No String
assignedAdminStep Yes String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>
leadCablingSms No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
leadCablingWhatsapp No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
inventoryRequired Yes String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) >
itemSerial No String
itemName No String
itemPrice No String
vendorId No String
itemNameId No String
locationId No String
currentItemAccount No String
qauantityCount No Numeric
lengthCount No Numeric < length of particular item>
qauantityMAcs No String < macs seperated by , operator>
submittedReport No [Document] => Array
[submittedReport] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z10 - Splicing

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/splicing with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric < Id of the Lead>
accountId Yes String < Id of the Account>
adminUsername Yes String < Username of the Admin>
splicingValue Yes String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) >
assignAdminToLeadStep6 No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
splicingComments No String
assignedAdminStep Yes String < username of the Admin assigned to next step>
leadSplicingSms No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>
leadSplicingWhatsapp No String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z11 - Active user

To add an lead send a post request to /api/v1/add_lead with the following data :

Key Mandatory Value
firstName Yes String
lastName No String
phoneNumber Yes Numeric(if emailId field is given it is not mandatory)
altPhoneNumber No Numeric emailId Yes String(if phoneNumber field is given it is not mandatory)
altEmailId No String
address_line1 No String
address_line2 No String
address_city No String
address_pin No Numeric
address_state No String
address No String
address_country No This should be two letter country ISO CODE.
useBillingAddAsLeadInstallationAdd No {on,off}
installation_address_line1 No String
installation_address_line2 No String
installation_address_city No String
installation_address_pin No Numeric
installation_address_state No String
installation_address_country No This should be two letter country ISO CODE.
userType No {home, business}
comments No String
activationComments No String
lead_latitude No Numeric
lead_longitude No Numeric
requestedBandwithAmount No Numeric
requestedBandwithData No {mb,gb}
leadSource No {emailMarketing,digitalAdvertising,socialMedia,website,directMarketing,inboundPhoneCalls,outboundSales,friends,blogging,organicSearch,other}
AssignAdminToLead No {on,off}
assignedAdminStep No String(Username of Admin who has access.)
contactName No String
contactDesignation No String
contactPhoneNumber No String
contactEmail No String
contactDesc No String
leadUserReferralCode No String

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "60",
 "accountId": "sampleaccount"

Z12 - Reject Lead

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/reject_lead with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String
reasonForRejection Yes String

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 } }

Z13 - Claim lead

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/claim_lead with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric
accountId Yes String
adminUsername Yes String

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": {
 "id": "51",
 "accountId": "jazenetworks"
 "genericTitle": "Claim Lead",
 "genericBody": "Lead Claimed succssfully."

Z14 - Reassign to another admin

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/reassign_to_another_admin with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric < Id of the Lead>
accountId Yes String < Id of the Account>
adminUsername Yes String < Username of the Admin>
reassignAdminId Yes String < Username of the Admin whom you want to reassign>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": "Admin reassigned successfully"

Z15 - Collect inventory items data from lead

GET Method :

/api/v1/collect_inventory_items_data/< leadId>/< accountId>

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
userId Yes Numeric < Id of the Lead>
accountId Yes String < Id of the Account>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": [
 "InventoryItemTransfer": {
 "id": "249",
 "account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "item_name": "router-testapiIn",
 "item_serial": "testapiIn",
 "item_mac": "fdgshg",
 "item_price": "10000",
 "from_account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "to_account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "current_account_id": "jazenetworks",
 "current_item_price": "10000",
 "location_id": null,
 "user_id": null,
 "admin_id": null,
 "status": "received",
 "sent_time": "2019-05-13 17:20:25",
 "received_time": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
 "is_return": "0",
 "latitude": null,
 "longitude": null,
 "proof": null,
 "admin_name": "admin",
 "item_serial_num": "247",
 "assigned": "0",
 "length": null,
 "lead_id": "39"
 ] }

Z16 - Collect inventory return from lead

POST Method :

Send a post request to /api/v1/collect_return_inventory_submit with the following data:

Input :

Argument Mandatory Value
collectInventoryLeadId Yes Numeric < Id of the Lead>
collectInventoryLeadaccountId Yes String < Id of the Account>
adminUsername Yes String < Username of the Admin>
0 Yes Numeric < Id of the InventoryItem>
1 Yes Numeric < Id of the InventoryItem2>

Sample Output :

 "status": "success",
 "message": "Item returned successfully",
 "genericTitle": "Collect Inventory Items",
 "genericBody": "Inventory items collected successfully."