Section Z - Lead API
Z1 - Add lead
To add an lead send a post request to /api/v1/add_lead with the following data :
Key | Mandatory | Value |
firstName | Yes | String |
lastName | No | String |
phoneNumber | Yes | Numeric(if emailId field is given it is not mandatory) |
altPhoneNumber | No | Numeric |
emailId | Yes | String(if phoneNumber field is given it is not mandatory) |
altEmailId | No | String |
address_line1 | No | String |
address_line2 | No | String |
address_city | No | String |
address_pin | No | Numeric |
address_state | No | String |
address | No | String |
address_country | No | This should be two letter country ISO CODE. |
useBillingAddAsLeadInstallationAdd | No | {on,off} |
installation_address_line1 | No | String |
installation_address_line2 | No | String |
installation_address_city | No | String |
installation_address_pin | No | Numeric |
installation_address_state | No | String |
installation_address_country | No | This should be two letter country ISO CODE. |
userType | No | {home, business} |
comments | No | String |
activationComments | No | String |
lead_latitude | No | Numeric |
lead_longitude | No | Numeric |
requestedBandwithAmount | No | Numeric |
requestedBandwithData | No | {mb,gb} |
leadSource | No | {emailMarketing,digitalAdvertising,socialMedia,website,directMarketing,inboundPhoneCalls,outboundSales,friends,blogging,organicSearch,othe |
r} | ||
AssignAdminToLead | No | {on,off} |
assignedAdminStep | No | String(Username of Admin who has access.) |
contactName | No | String |
contactDesignation | No | String |
contactPhoneNumber | No | String |
contactEmail | No | String |
contactDesc | No | String |
leadUserReferralCode | No | String |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "60",
"accountId": "sampleaccount"
Z2 - Get lead stages
GET Method :
/api/v1/get_stages/< adminUsername>
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
adminUsername | Yes | String < username of Admin> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"1": {
"stageName": "feasibilityCheck",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 8
"2": {
"stageName": "transferLead",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 2
"3": {
"stageName": "CAFCollection",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 6
"4": {
"stageName": "cablingAndCommissioning",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 1
"5": {
"stageName": "activation",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 7
"6": {
"stageName": "CAFApproval",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 1
"7": {
"stageName": "Splicing",
"claimedCount": 0,
"unclaimedCount": 3
"stages": [
Z3 - Get assigned lead stages
GET Method :
/api/v1/get_assigned_stage_leads/< tage>/< adminUsername>
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
stage | Yes | Numeric |
adminUsername | Yes | String < username of Admin> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": [
"id": "23",
"name": "ghjghj",
"phone": "",
"created": null,
"claimed": "Assigned to me"
"id": "31",
"name": "fdashgdfhsd",
"phone": "",
"created": null,
"claimed": "Unassigned"
"id": "32",
"name": "sgdfshg",
"phone": "",
"created": null,
"claimed": "Unassigned"
"id": "34",
"name": "imkj",
"phone": "",
"created": null,
"claimed": "Unassigned"
Z4 - Get lead details
GET Method :
/api/v1/lead_details/< leadId>/< accountId>/< adminUsername>
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
leadId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String < username of Admin> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"userEditData": {
"id_proof_type": null,
"id_pin": null,
"address_proof": null,
"id_proof": null,
"caf": null,
"installation_report": null
"leadContactDetails": [],
"editInstallationAddress": {
"user_address_line1": "",
"user_address_line2": "",
"user_address_city": "",
"user_address_pin": "",
"user_address_state": "",
"user_address_country_code": ""
"cdnhost": "",
"type": "add",
"currentStep": null,
"nextStep": 1,
"countriesList": {
"AD": {
"country_name": "ANDORRA",
"dial_code": "376",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AE": {
"country_name": "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES",
"dial_code": "971",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AF": {
"country_name": "AFGHANISTAN",
"dial_code": "93",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AG": {
"country_name": "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA",
"dial_code": "1268",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AI": {
"country_name": "ANGUILLA",
"dial_code": "1264",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AL": {
"country_name": "ALBANIA",
"dial_code": "355",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AM": {
"country_name": "ARMENIA",
"dial_code": "374",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AN": {
"country_name": "NETHERLANDS ANTILLES",
"dial_code": "599",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AO": {
"country_name": "ANGOLA",
"dial_code": "244",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AR": {
"country_name": "ARGENTINA",
"dial_code": "54",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AS": {
"country_name": "AMERICAN SAMOA",
"dial_code": "1684",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AT": {
"country_name": "AUSTRIA",
"dial_code": "43",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AU": {
"country_name": "AUSTRALIA",
"dial_code": "61",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AW": {
"country_name": "ARUBA",
"dial_code": "297",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"AZ": {
"country_name": "AZERBAIJAN",
"dial_code": "994",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BA": {
"country_name": "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA",
"dial_code": "387",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BB": {
"country_name": "BARBADOS",
"dial_code": "1246",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BD": {
"country_name": "BANGLADESH",
"dial_code": "880",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BE": {
"country_name": "BELGIUM",
"dial_code": "32",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BF": {
"country_name": "BURKINA FASO",
"dial_code": "226",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BG": {
"country_name": "BULGARIA",
"dial_code": "359",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BH": {
"country_name": "BAHRAIN",
"dial_code": "973",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BI": {
"country_name": "BURUNDI",
"dial_code": "257",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BJ": {
"country_name": "BENIN",
"dial_code": "229",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BL": {
"country_name": "SAINT BARTHELEMY",
"dial_code": "590",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BM": {
"country_name": "BERMUDA",
"dial_code": "1441",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BN": {
"country_name": "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM",
"dial_code": "673",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BO": {
"country_name": "BOLIVIA",
"dial_code": "591",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BR": {
"country_name": "BRAZIL",
"dial_code": "55",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BS": {
"country_name": "BAHAMAS",
"dial_code": "1242",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BT": {
"country_name": "BHUTAN",
"dial_code": "975",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BW": {
"country_name": "BOTSWANA",
"dial_code": "267",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BY": {
"country_name": "BELARUS",
"dial_code": "375",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"BZ": {
"country_name": "BELIZE",
"dial_code": "501",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CA": {
"country_name": "CANADA",
"dial_code": "1",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CC": {
"country_name": "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS",
"dial_code": "61",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CD": {
"dial_code": "243",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CF": {
"dial_code": "236",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CG": {
"country_name": "CONGO",
"dial_code": "242",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CH": {
"country_name": "SWITZERLAND",
dial_code": "41",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CI": {
"country_name": "COTE D IVOIRE",
"dial_code": "225",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CK": {
"country_name": "COOK ISLANDS",
"dial_code": "682",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CL": {
"country_name": "CHILE",
"dial_code": "56",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CM": {
"country_name": "CAMEROON",
"dial_code": "237",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CN": {
"country_name": "CHINA",
"dial_code": "86",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CO": {
"country_name": "COLOMBIA",
"dial_code": "57",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CR": {
"country_name": "COSTA RICA",
"dial_code": "506",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CU": {
"country_name": "CUBA",
"dial_code": "53",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CV": {
"country_name": "CAPE VERDE",
"dial_code": "238",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CX": {
"country_name": "CHRISTMAS ISLAND",
"dial_code": "61",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CY": {
"country_name": "CYPRUS",
"dial_code": "357",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"CZ": {
"country_name": "CZECH REPUBLIC",
"dial_code": "420",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DE": {
"country_name": "GERMANY",
"dial_code": "49",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DJ": {
"country_name": "DJIBOUTI",
"dial_code": "253",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DK": {
"country_name": "DENMARK",
"dial_code": "45",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DM": {
"country_name": "DOMINICA",
"dial_code": "1767",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DO": {
"country_name": "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC",
"dial_code": "1809",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"DZ": {
"country_name": "ALGERIA",
"dial_code": "213",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"EC": {
"country_name": "ECUADOR",
"dial_code": "593",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"EE": {
"country_name": "ESTONIA",
"dial_code": "372",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"EG": {
"country_name": "EGYPT",
"dial_code": "20",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ER": {
"country_name": "ERITREA",
"dial_code": "291",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ES": {
"country_name": "SPAIN",
"dial_code": "34",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ET": {
"country_name": "ETHIOPIA",
"dial_code": "251",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FI": {
"country_name": "FINLAND",
"dial_code": "358",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FJ": {
"country_name": "FIJI",
"dial_code": "679",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FK": {
"country_name": "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)",
"dial_code": "500",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FM": {
"dial_code": "691",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FO": {
"country_name": "FAROE ISLANDS",
"dial_code": "298",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"FR": {
"country_name": "FRANCE",
"dial_code": "33",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GA": {
"country_name": "GABON",
"dial_code": "241",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GB": {
"country_name": "UNITED KINGDOM",
"dial_code": "44",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GD": {
"country_name": "GRENADA",
"dial_code": "1473",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GE": {
"country_name": "GEORGIA",
"dial_code": "995",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GH": {
"country_name": "GHANA",
"dial_code": "233",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GI": {
"country_name": "GIBRALTAR",
"dial_code": "350",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GL": {
"country_name": "GREENLAND",
"dial_code": "299",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GM": {
"country_name": "GAMBIA",
"dial_code": "220",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GN": {
"country_name": "GUINEA",
"dial_code": "224",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GQ": {
"country_name": "EQUATORIAL GUINEA",
"dial_code": "240",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GR": {
"country_name": "GREECE",
"dial_code": "30",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GT": {
"country_name": "GUATEMALA",
"dial_code": "502",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GU": {
"country_name": "GUAM",
"dial_code": "1671",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GW": {
"country_name": "GUINEA-BISSAU",
"dial_code": "245",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"GY": {
"country_name": "GUYANA",
"dial_code": "592",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"HK": {
"country_name": "HONG KONG",
"dial_code": "852",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"HN": {
"country_name": "HONDURAS",
"dial_code": "504",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"HR": {
"country_name": "CROATIA",
"dial_code": "385",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"HT": {
"country_name": "HAITI",
"dial_code": "509",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"HU": {
"country_name": "HUNGARY",
"dial_code": "36",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ID": {
"country_name": "INDONESIA",
"dial_code": "62",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IE": {
"country_name": "IRELAND",
"dial_code": "353",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IL": {
"country_name": "ISRAEL",
"dial_code": "972",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IM": {
"country_name": "ISLAND OF MAN",
"dial_code": "44",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IN": {
"country_name": "INDIA",
"dial_code": "91",
"sms_provider": "Sinfini"
"IQ": {
"country_name": "IRAQ",
"dial_code": "964",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IR": {
"country_name": "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF",
"dial_code": "98",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IS": {
"country_name": "ICELAND",
"dial_code": "354",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"IT": {
"country_name": "ITALY",
"dial_code": "39",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"JM": {
"country_name": "JAMAICA",
"dial_code": "1876",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"JO": {
"country_name": "JORDAN",
"dial_code": "962",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"JP": {
"country_name": "JAPAN",
"dial_code": "81",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KE": {
"country_name": "KENYA",
"dial_code": "254",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KG": {
"country_name": "KYRGYZSTAN",
"dial_code": "996",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KH": {
"country_name": "CAMBODIA",
"dial_code": "855",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KI": {
"country_name": "KIRIBATI",
"dial_code": "686",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KM": {
"country_name": "COMOROS",
"dial_code": "269",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KN": {
"country_name": "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS",
"dial_code": "1869",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KP": {
"dial_code": "850",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KR": {
"country_name": "KOREA REPUBLIC OF",
"dial_code": "82",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KW": {
"country_name": "KUWAIT",
"dial_code": "965",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KY": {
"country_name": "CAYMAN ISLANDS",
"dial_code": "1345",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"KZ": {
"country_name": "KAZAKSTAN",
"dial_code": "7",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LA": {
"dial_code": "856",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LB": {
"country_name": "LEBANON",
"dial_code": "961",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LC": {
"country_name": "SAINT LUCIA",
"dial_code": "1758",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LI": {
"country_name": "LIECHTENSTEIN",
"dial_code": "423",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LK": {
"country_name": "SRI LANKA",
"dial_code": "94",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LR": {
"country_name": "LIBERIA",
"dial_code": "231",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LS": {
"country_name": "LESOTHO",
"dial_code": "266",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LT": {
"country_name": "LITHUANIA",
"dial_code": "370",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LU": {
"country_name": "LUXEMBOURG",
"dial_code": "352",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LV": {
"country_name": "LATVIA",
"dial_code": "371",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"LY": {
"country_name": "LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA",
"dial_code": "218",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MA": {
"country_name": "MOROCCO",
"dial_code": "212",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MC": {
"country_name": "MONACO",
"dial_code": "377",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MD": {
"country_name": "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF",
"dial_code": "373",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ME": {
"country_name": "MONTENEGRO",
"dial_code": "382",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MF": {
"country_name": "SAINT MARTIN",
"dial_code": "1599",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MG": {
"country_name": "MADAGASCAR",
"dial_code": "261",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MK": {
"dial_code": "389",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"ML": {
"country_name": "MALI",
"dial_code": "223",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MM": {
"country_name": "MYANMAR",
"dial_code": "95",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MN": {
"country_name": "MONGOLIA",
"dial_code": "976",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MO": {
"country_name": "MACAU",
"dial_code": "853",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MP": {
"dial_code": "1670",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MR": {
"country_name": "MAURITANIA",
"dial_code": "222",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MS": {
"country_name": "MONTSERRAT",
"dial_code": "1664",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MT": {
"country_name": "MALTA",
"dial_code": "356",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MU": {
"country_name": "MAURITIUS",
"dial_code": "230",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MV": {
"country_name": "MALDIVES",
"dial_code": "960",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MW": {
"country_name": "MALAWI",
"dial_code": "265",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MX": {
"country_name": "MEXICO",
"dial_code": "52",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MY": {
"country_name": "MALAYSIA",
"dial_code": "60",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"MZ": {
"country_name": "MOZAMBIQUE",
"dial_code": "258",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NA": {
"country_name": "NAMIBIA",
"dial_code": "264",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NC": {
"country_name": "NEW CALEDONIA",
"dial_code": "687",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NE": {
"country_name": "NIGER",
"dial_code": "227",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NG": {
"country_name": "NIGERIA",
"dial_code": "234",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NI": {
"country_name": "NICARAGUA",
"dial_code": "505",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NL": {
"country_name": "NETHERLANDS",
"dial_code": "31",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NO": {
"country_name": "NORWAY",
"dial_code": "47",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NP": {
"country_name": "NEPAL",
"dial_code": "977",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NR": {
"country_name": "NAURU",
"dial_code": "674",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NU": {
"country_name": "NIUE",
"dial_code": "683",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"NZ": {
"country_name": "NEW ZEALAND",
"dial_code": "64",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"OM": {
"country_name": "OMAN",
"dial_code": "968",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PA": {
"country_name": "PANAMA",
"dial_code": "507",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PE": {
"country_name": "PERU",
"dial_code": "51",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PF": {
"country_name": "FRENCH POLYNESIA",
"dial_code": "689",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PG": {
"country_name": "PAPUA NEW GUINEA",
"dial_code": "675",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PH": {
"country_name": "PHILIPPINES",
"dial_code": "63",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PK": {
"country_name": "PAKISTAN",
"dial_code": "92",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PL": {
"country_name": "POLAND",
"dial_code": "48",
"sms_provider": "Plivo"
"PM": {
"country_name": "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON",
"dial_code": "508",
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"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "hgmailc",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "hgmailc",
"name": "testanj",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "jazetest",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "jazetest",
"name": "jazetest",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "jazetest1",
"parent": "jazetest",
"account": "jazetest1",
"name": "jazetest1",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "jazetest23",
"parent": "jazetest",
"account": "jazetest23",
"name": "jazetest2",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "jazetest3",
"parent": "jazetest",
"account": "jazetest3",
"name": "jazetest3",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "nonfranchise",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "nonfranchise",
"name": "nonfranchise",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "nonfran1",
"parent": "nonfranchise",
"account": "nonfran1",
"name": "nonfran1",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "propush",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "propush",
"name": "propush",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "test",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "test",
"name": "test",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "campus"
"id": "test3",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "test3",
"name": "test3",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "test4",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "test4",
"name": "test4",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testadm",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testadm",
"name": "testAdm",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testadmin",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testadmin",
"name": "testAdmin",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testdbs",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testdbs",
"name": "testdbs",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testhms",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testhms",
"name": "testhms",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testj",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testj",
"name": "testj",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testm",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testm",
"name": "testm",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testmn1",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testmn1",
"name": "testmn1",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testmn2",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testmn2",
"name": "testmn2",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testmnh",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testmnh",
"name": "testmnh",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testnon",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testnon",
"name": "testnon",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "testredirct",
"parent": "jazenetworks",
"account": "testredirct",
"name": "testredirct",
"billing_entity_id": "",
"franchise_head": "no",
"deactivated": "1",
"edition": "isp"
"id": "jazenetworks",
"parent": null,
"account": "jazenetworks",
"name": "jaze"
"subAccountsListDropDown": "<option value=\"jazenetworks\"
selected>jaze<option value=\"amil\">testdash</option><option
value=\"testaenable\">testaenable</option><option value=\"testfr2\">testfr2</
option><option value=\"testfun\">testfun</option><option
value=\"hgmailc\">testanj</option><option value=\"jazetest\">jazetest<option
value=\"test\">test</option><option value=\"test3\">test3</option><option
value=\"testj\">testj</option><option value=\"testm\">testm</option><option
"circuitId": 2090,
"myPrefix": "#jaze#-",
"billingType": null,
"prepaidAmount": null,
"taxPercent": null,
"metaFieldNameValues": [
"MetaFieldName": {
"id": "1",
"name": "tes",
"forwhat": "User",
"type": "string",
"is_disabled": "no",
"is_mandatory": "no",
"display_order": "1",
"deleted": "0",
"default_value_id": "",
"value": null,
"account_id": "jazenetworks"
"ipRanges": [],
"userGroupsAll": [
"UserGroup": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Guest",
"profile_id": "1",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-01-03 13:23:06",
"modified": "2018-06-08 12:57:39",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": null,
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "9",
"name": "1mbps",
"profile_id": "2",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-01-03 14:01:28",
"modified": "2018-06-15 15:51:45",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": "1",
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "10",
"name": "payasyoygo",
"profile_id": "3",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-01-03 16:06:29",
"modified": "2018-01-03 16:06:29",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "12",
"name": "2mbps",
"profile_id": "25",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-01-10 17:01:56",
"modified": "2019-02-26 12:22:23",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": "81",
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "15",
"name": "pay1",
"profile_id": "341",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-03-06 16:39:00",
"modified": "2018-06-26 15:45:39",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "29",
"name": "test",
"profile_id": "62",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-08-06 13:39:35",
"modified": "2018-08-06 13:39:35",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "35",
"name": "paya1",
"profile_id": "33",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2018-11-13 12:57:24",
"modified": "2018-11-13 12:57:24",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "52",
"name": "testbilling",
"profile_id": "772",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2019-02-15 18:23:18",
"modified": "2019-02-15 18:23:18",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"UserGroup": {
"id": "53",
"name": "testbilling1",
"profile_id": "807",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"is_active": true,
"created": "2019-02-15 18:23:27",
"modified": "2019-02-15 18:23:27",
"ldap_id": null,
"ldap_group": "",
"ldap_ou": null,
"group_type": null,
"router_id": null,
"with_domain": false
"feasibilityCheckAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active",
"phone": "9642664693"
"transferLeadAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active",
"phone": "9642664693"
"CAFCollectionAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active",
"phone": "9642664693"
"CAFApprovalAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active",
"phone": "9642664693"
"cablingAndCommissioningAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active",
"phone": "9642664693"
"splicingAdmins": [
"Admin": {
"id": "1",
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "jazenetworks",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"admin_group_id": "1",
"admin_classification_id": null,
"status": "active"
"phone": "9642664693"
"activationAdmins": [],
"userNamePrefix": ""
Z5 - Feasibility check
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/feasibility_check with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
ScopeOfWork | Yes | String < with a keyword (“”,“emailMarketing”,“digitalAdvertising”,“socialMedia”,“website”,“directMarketing”,“in |
boundPhoneCalls”,“outboundSales”,“friends”,“blogging”,“organicSearch”,“channelPartner”,“other”)> | ||
adminUsername | Yes | String < Username of the Admin> |
capitalEx | Yes | Numeric |
operatingEx | Yes | Numeric |
oneTime | Yes | Numeric |
firstName | No | String |
lastName | No | String |
phoneNumber | No | Numeric |
emailId | No | String |
altEmailId | No | String |
altPhoneNumber | No | Numeric |
address | No | String |
address_line1 | No | String |
address_line2 | No | String |
address_city | No | String |
address_pin | No | Numeric |
address_state | No | String |
address_country | No | String |
userType | No | String < with a keyword(“home”,“business”)> |
comments | No | String |
activationComments | No | String |
lead_latitude | No | Float |
lead_longitude | No | Float |
requestedBandwithAmount | No | Numeric |
requestedBandwithData | No | String < with a keyword (“mb”,“gb”)> |
assignAdminToLeadStep2 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
contactName | No | String |
contactDesignation | No | String |
contactPhoneNumber | No | Numeric |
contactEmail | No | String |
contactDesc | No | String |
assignedAdminStep | No | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
leadFeasibilityCheckSms | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
leadFeasibilityCheckWhatsapp | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z6 - Transfer lead
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/transfer_lead with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
presentaccountId | Yes | String |
assignAdminToLeadStep3 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
transferLead | Yes | String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”)> |
assignedAdminStep | No | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks",
"transferLead": "no"
} }
Z7 - Caf collection
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/caf_collection with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
id_proof | No | String < with a keyword (“”,“pan”,“license”,“aadhar”,“ration”,“passport”,“voter”) > |
assignAdminToLeadStep4 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
id_pin | Yes | String < pin of selected id proof>> |
assignedAdminStep | No | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
leadCafCollectionSms | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
submittedIdProof | Yes | [Document] => Array |
( | ||
[submittedIdProof] => Array | ||
( | ||
[name] => | ||
[type] => | ||
[tmp_name] => | ||
[error] => 4 | ||
[size] => 0 | ||
) | ||
) | ||
submittedproof | No | [Document] => Array |
( | ||
[submittedproof] => Array | ||
( | ||
[name] => | ||
[type] => | ||
[tmp_name] => | ||
[error] => 4 | ||
[size] => 0 | ||
) | ||
) | ||
submittedform | No | [Document] => Array |
( | ||
[submittedIdProof] => Array | ||
( | ||
[name] => | ||
[type] => | ||
[tmp_name] => | ||
[error] => 4 | ||
[size] => 0 | ||
) | ||
) | ||
leadCafCollectionWhatsapp | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z8 - CAF approval
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/caf_approval with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
cafApprovalCheckbox | Yes | String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) > |
assignAdminToLeadStep4 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
cafComments | No | String |
assignedAdminStep | No | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
leadCafApprovalSms | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
leadCafApprovalWhatsapp | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z9 - Cabling and commissioning
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/cabling_and_commissioning with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
cablingValue | Yes | String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) > |
assignAdminToLeadStep5 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
cablingComments | No | String |
assignedAdminStep | Yes | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
leadCablingSms | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
leadCablingWhatsapp | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
inventoryRequired | Yes | String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) > |
itemSerial | No | String |
itemName | No | String |
itemPrice | No | String |
vendorId | No | String |
itemNameId | No | String |
locationId | No | String |
currentItemAccount | No | String |
qauantityCount | No | Numeric |
lengthCount | No | Numeric < length of particular item> |
qauantityMAcs | No | String < macs seperated by , operator> |
submittedReport | No | [Document] => Array |
( | ||
[submittedReport] => Array | ||
( | ||
[name] => | ||
[type] => | ||
[tmp_name] => | ||
[error] => 4 | ||
[size] => 0 | ||
) | ||
) |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z10 - Splicing
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/splicing with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric < Id of the Lead> |
accountId | Yes | String < Id of the Account> |
adminUsername | Yes | String < Username of the Admin> |
splicingValue | Yes | String < with a keyword (“yes”,“no”) > |
assignAdminToLeadStep6 | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
splicingComments | No | String |
assignedAdminStep | Yes | String < username of the Admin assigned to next step> |
leadSplicingSms | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
leadSplicingWhatsapp | No | String < with a keyword (“on”,“off”)> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z11 - Active user
To add an lead send a post request to /api/v1/add_lead with the following data :
Key | Mandatory | Value |
firstName | Yes | String |
lastName | No | String |
phoneNumber | Yes | Numeric(if emailId field is given it is not mandatory) |
altPhoneNumber | No | Numeric emailId Yes String(if phoneNumber field is given it is not mandatory) |
altEmailId | No | String |
address_line1 | No | String |
address_line2 | No | String |
address_city | No | String |
address_pin | No | Numeric |
address_state | No | String |
address | No | String |
address_country | No | This should be two letter country ISO CODE. |
useBillingAddAsLeadInstallationAdd | No | {on,off} |
installation_address_line1 | No | String |
installation_address_line2 | No | String |
installation_address_city | No | String |
installation_address_pin | No | Numeric |
installation_address_state | No | String |
installation_address_country | No | This should be two letter country ISO CODE. |
userType | No | {home, business} |
comments | No | String |
activationComments | No | String |
lead_latitude | No | Numeric |
lead_longitude | No | Numeric |
requestedBandwithAmount | No | Numeric |
requestedBandwithData | No | {mb,gb} |
leadSource | No | {emailMarketing,digitalAdvertising,socialMedia,website,directMarketing,inboundPhoneCalls,outboundSales,friends,blogging,organicSearch,other} |
AssignAdminToLead | No | {on,off} |
assignedAdminStep | No | String(Username of Admin who has access.) |
contactName | No | String |
contactDesignation | No | String |
contactPhoneNumber | No | String |
contactEmail | No | String |
contactDesc | No | String |
leadUserReferralCode | No | String |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "60",
"accountId": "sampleaccount"
Z12 - Reject Lead
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/reject_lead with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
reasonForRejection | Yes | String |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
} }
Z13 - Claim lead
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/claim_lead with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric |
accountId | Yes | String |
adminUsername | Yes | String |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": {
"id": "51",
"accountId": "jazenetworks"
"genericTitle": "Claim Lead",
"genericBody": "Lead Claimed succssfully."
Z14 - Reassign to another admin
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/reassign_to_another_admin with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric < Id of the Lead> |
accountId | Yes | String < Id of the Account> |
adminUsername | Yes | String < Username of the Admin> |
reassignAdminId | Yes | String < Username of the Admin whom you want to reassign> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": "Admin reassigned successfully"
Z15 - Collect inventory items data from lead
GET Method :
/api/v1/collect_inventory_items_data/< leadId>/< accountId>
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
userId | Yes | Numeric < Id of the Lead> |
accountId | Yes | String < Id of the Account> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": [
"InventoryItemTransfer": {
"id": "249",
"account_id": "jazenetworks",
"item_name": "router-testapiIn",
"item_serial": "testapiIn",
"item_mac": "fdgshg",
"item_price": "10000",
"from_account_id": "jazenetworks",
"to_account_id": "jazenetworks",
"current_account_id": "jazenetworks",
"current_item_price": "10000",
"location_id": null,
"user_id": null,
"admin_id": null,
"status": "received",
"sent_time": "2019-05-13 17:20:25",
"received_time": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"is_return": "0",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"proof": null,
"admin_name": "admin",
"item_serial_num": "247",
"assigned": "0",
"length": null,
"lead_id": "39"
] }
Z16 - Collect inventory return from lead
POST Method :
Send a post request to /api/v1/collect_return_inventory_submit with the following data:
Input :
Argument | Mandatory | Value |
collectInventoryLeadId | Yes | Numeric < Id of the Lead> |
collectInventoryLeadaccountId | Yes | String < Id of the Account> |
adminUsername | Yes | String < Username of the Admin> |
0 | Yes | Numeric < Id of the InventoryItem> |
1 | Yes | Numeric < Id of the InventoryItem2> |
Sample Output :
"status": "success",
"message": "Item returned successfully",
"genericTitle": "Collect Inventory Items",
"genericBody": "Inventory items collected successfully."