Section F - Session data API

F1 - General Information

GET Method :

/api/v1/get_usersession_details/< user _id > with the following data:


Argument Mandatory Value
userId yes Numeric < Id of the user >
FromDate No dd-mm-yyyy
ToDate No dd-mm-yyyy

F2 Sample Ouput

"status": "success",
"errorCode": 200,
"data": [
"acct_session_id": "8ab937443595622a4ed8f3014580737e",
"original_acct_session_id": "81000000",
"start_time": "2018-04-07 17:01:31",
"stop_time": "2018-04-07 17:01:52",
"ip_addr": "",
"mac": "68:F7:28:C3:76:C9",
"session_timeout": "0",
"download_bytes": "274844",
"upload_bytes": "54852",
"nas_ip_address": "",
"nas_mac": "4c:5e:0c:d6:06:a5",
"terminate_cause": "User-Request",
"browser": "",
"browser_version": null,
"operating_system": "",
"device_type": "",
"login_type": "pppoe",
"authtype": "mikrotik",
"is_mac_auth": false,
"override_bandwidth_level": false,
"upload_rate": "0",
"download_rate": "0"

F3 - Day wise data

POST Method :

/api/v1/day_wise_data with the following data:


Argument Mandatory Value
userId yes Numeric < Id of the user >
FromDate yes Start Date < Date Format dd-mm-yyyy >
ToDate yes End Date < Date Format dd-mm-yyyy >
 "download": "525.4 GB",
 "upload": "4.22 GB",
 "total": "529.62 GB",
 "date": "05-09-2017"
 "download": "4.23 GB",
 "upload": "86.32 GB",
 "total": "90.56 GB",
 "date": "19-09-2017"
 ] ]