Errorcode Messages

200 : Success

101 : User does not exist

102 : Invalid userGroupId

103 : Error establishing connection with Active Directory server

104 : Unable to connect to the LDAP server

105 : UserName cannot be empty

106 : User with the same username already exists. Please choose a different username

107 : Password cannot be left blank for the user

108 : Circuit Id cannot be more than 20 characters

109 : Circuit Id cannot be left blank

110 : Circuit Id already exists. Please choose a different circuit Id

111 : User Password not available

112 : customActivationDate' parameter has to be specified

113 : Invalid account activation date

114 : customExpirationDate' parameter has to be specified

115 : Invalid account expiration date

116 : Expiration time can not be before the activation time

117 : Static IP Address has already been bound with a another user. Please specify another IP address

118 : Static MAC Address has already been bound with a another user. Please specify another MAC address

119 : Please fill all mandatory field

120 : An error was encountered when saving the data

121 : Sorry, an unexpected error was encountered when creating the user

122 : The username already exists in the Windows AD server

123 : The group in which user has been added does not exist in OpenLdap

124 : The username already exists in the OpenLdap server

125 : An unexpected error occured while creating a user in OpenLdap. Please check your base string or try again after sometime

126 : Atleast one IP is needed to create a static queue. User is created but queue is not created. Assign a IP, edit & save this user to create a queue

127 : Ip should be selected for IPACCT Group

128 : Error while adding user to IPACCT

129 : UserId not found

130 : userId empty

131 : userName empty

132 : Wrong api key

133 : Invalid user status

134 : Invalid Phone number

135 : User does not belong to any active group

136 : FUP cannot be added as your current cycle has not been defined

137 : No data received

138 : Bandwidth Reset set to never for this profile

139 : Billing cycle not defined for this user

140 : Bandwidth Reset set to never for this user

141 : Invalid SMS Id

142 : Status code is empty

143 : Failed to update

144 : SMS Id is empty

145 : No Sessions found

146 : insufficient parameters supplied

147 : resetType empty

148 : resetType mismatch

149 : There is no data for the specified cycle

150 : startDate empty

151 : complexity mismatch

152 : You are not authorized to do this

153 : Sorry, an unexpected error was encountered when resetting the password

154 : User mobile number unavailable

155 : User password is empty

156 : method mismatch

157 : template mismatch

158 : From Date and To Date is empty

159 : user not found

160 : Use renewal pins only

161 : You dont have access to renew this user

162 : The account does not have enough balance to renew the user

163 : Renew days must be a number

164 : The plan ID must be a number

165 : The group ID must be a number

166 : Renew times be a number

167 : Renew multiple times from previous renewal is not possible

168 : Phone number does not exists

169 : Please select renewal count only one to schedule for renewal

170 : This profile is not a payasyougo profile

171 : The User(s) are not allowed to move to this Group

173 : The user has no orders

174 : The user has unpaid invoices

175 : The user is active if you want to renew immediate change group and try again

176 : The user has Future Orders

177 : Phone number is Missing

178 : username or password is Missing

179 : No unresolved tickets found

180 : No overdue tickets found

181 : No duetoday tickets found

182 : No open tickets found

183 : No onhold tickets found

184 : No unassigned tickets found

185 : No closed tickets found

186 : No tickets found

187 : The ticket limit has been reached for this user, cannot raise anymore tickets now unless the existing tickets are closed

188 : TicketId not found

189 : TicketId is empty

190 : No Profiles Found

191 : Invalid ProfileId

192 : Invalid Data

193 : No FUP Details found

194 : endDate empty

195 : group Id is empty

196 : You dont have access to move this user

197 : The account does not have enough balance to change the group

198 : could not move a pay as you go user

199 : invalid type

201 : Sorry, an unexpected error was encountered when deleting the user

202 : Error establishing connection with Active Directory server

203 : Error establishing connection with OpenLdap server

204 : Please enter the reference

205 : Transaction with this id is already done

206 : Invalid Operator Name

207 : Renewal is not applicable for this user

208 : No order line present for the previous order

209 : There are no pin Exists with this pinId

210 : No Pin is provided

211 : There is no Pin password for this PinId

212 : Make sure your Pin password is correct

213 : This Pin < pinId> is < pinStatus>

214 : username/phone is empty

215 : Ticket Subject is empty

216 : Ticket Type is empty

217 : Ticket Comments is empty

218 : ticketMessage is empty

219 : ticketMessage sender is empty

220 : Ticket sender mismatch

221 : Ticket sender_name is empty

222 : Invalid Api key and token pair

223 : SMS template name is empty

224 : SMS Template Name Mismatch

225 : SMS grantAccess type name Mismatch

226 : SMS usageAlertType name Mismatch

227 : password not found for this user

228 : user not applicable for this quota

229 : user not exceded the Due Date

230 : You cannot send custom sms using default sms gateway

231 : No Fup template name selected

232 : Fup template is not avaiable with this name

233 : days can not be empty

234 : expiryDate can not be empty

235 : Grace period not added

236 : Email Template Name Mismatch

237 : Email userReciptType name Mismatch

238 : Email usageAlertType name Mismatch

239 : email template name is empty

240 : User already passed the due date you cannot send Email

241 : User is not PayAsYouGo User

242 : User is not Prepaid User

243 : You cannot send custom Email using default Email gateway

244 : user emailId not available

245 : Email feature is disabled

246 : Unable to send Email, Invalid license

247 : Please enter your verified SMTP tokens

248 : Default Email configuration is disabled

249 : Invalid Email format

250 : Unable to send Email, Invalid license

251 : Error in creating order for the user

252 : User is terminated,make the user reactivate and renew again.

253 : Account does not exist

254 : You dont have access

255 : Area name cannot be left blank

256 : Area with this name already exists

257 : Street name cannot be left blank

258 : Area id cannot be left blank

259 : Street with this name already exists

260 : Building name cannot be left blank

261 : Street id cannot be left blank

262 : Building with this name already exists

263 : adminId field is missing

264 : userId field is missing

265 : amount field is missing

266 : modeId field is missing

267 : adminId is not available

268: accountId field is missing

269: userId field is missing

270: adminId field is missing

271: You can only reduce fup less than or equal to the added fup

272: bandwidthReset field is missing

273: bandwidthTemplate field is missing

274: bandwidthResetLimit field is missing

275: bandwidthResetUnitData field is missing

276: bandwidthResetEvery field is missing

277: bandwidthTemplate field is missing

278: bandwidthTemplate2 field is missing

279: bandwidthResetEveryValueDay field is missing

280: bandwidthResetEveryValue field is missing

281: An error was encountered when overriding the profile. Please try again

282: bandwidthReset value can only be with in these values('always','data','uploadDownload')

283: bandwidthResetLimit Should be numeric

284: bandwidthResetUnitData value can only be mb or gb

285:bandwidthResetEvery value can only be with in these values('daily','weekly','monthly','never','billing')

286: bandwidthTemplate Should be numeric

287: bandwidthTemplate2 Should be numeric

288: bandwidthResetEveryValueDay Should be numeric

289: bandwidthResetEveryValue Should be numeric

290: vendorReset field is missing

291: vendorReset value can only be with in these values('always','data','uploadDownload')

292: vendorData field is missing

293: vendorData should be array

294: type value can only be with in these values('reply', 'check')

295: equals value can only be with in these values("=", ":=", "==", "+=", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "=~", "!~", "=", "!")

296: Check attribute cannot have = operator

298: vendorResetLimit field is missing

299: vendorResetLimit Should be numeric

300: vendorResetUnitData field is missing

301: vendorResetUnitData value can only be mb or gb

302: vendorResetEvery field is missing

303: vendorResetEvery value can only be with in these values('daily','weekly','monthly','never','billing')

304: vendorResetEveryValueDay field is missing

305: vendorResetEveryValueDay Should be numeric

306: vendorResetEveryValue field is missing

307: vendorResetEveryValue Should be numeric

308: vendorData1 field is missing

309: vendorData1 should be array

310: attribute or value field is empty

311: toRemove can only have ('ip', 'mac', 'both')

312: whichIpMacRow must be a number

313: whichIpMacRow can not be empty

314: type field is missing

315: type value can only be 1 or 2

316: Invoice Id field is missing

317: Payment Id field is missing

318: bringChangeFor can only be one of these values ('none','500','200')

319: We already recieved your collect payment request

320: ticketId can not be empty

321: admin can not be empty

322: Ticket details not found

323: Admin does not have access

324: otp can not be empty

325: Invalid type

326: No data present

327: Close ticket send sms is not enabled

328: Close ticket send email is not enabled

329: resolutionType attribute can not be empty

330: resolutionSubject attribute can not be empty

331: paymentType argument is mandatory if tagPaymentGateway argument is set as yes

332: paymentType should be externalGateway if tagPaymentGateway is set as yes

333: paymentTypeVal1 argument is mandatory if tagPaymentGateway argument is set as yes

334: paymentTypeVal2 argument is mandatory if tagPaymentGateway argument is set as yes

335: paymentTypeVal3 argument is mandatory if tagPaymentGateway argument is set as yes

336: amountPaid argument is mandatory if tagPaymentGateway argument is set as yes

337: amountPaid argument must be a number

338: operator and gatewayName does not exist in the account

339: Transaction Number already exist

340: User has already schedule for renewal

341: Invalid username

342: Invalid first name

343: Invalid last name

344: Invalid alternate phone

345: Invalid email

346: Invalid alt email

347: Invalid address line 1, address can contain alphanumeric,(), _,, -,@,:,.,/

348: Invalid address line 2, address can contain alphanumeric,(), _,, -,@,:,.,/

349: Invalid address city, address can contain alphanumeric,(), _,, -,@,:,.,/

350: Invalid address state, address can contain alphanumeric,(), _,, -,@,:,.,/

351: Invalid permanent address, address can contain alphanumeric,(), _,, -,@,:,.,/

352: Invalid pincode

353: Invalid caf numer

354: Invalid Gst Number

355: Invalid comments

356:Invalid id proof

357: Invalid phone

358: ratingValue can not be empty

359: ratingValue can only have values between 1 to 5